
Thanks to those supporting the VC Library:

  • Government agencies:
    • DST-NSTEDB, Government of India
  • Individual donors:
    • Prof Gerry George, Imperial College, UK (Books)
    • Dr David Secher, University of Cambridge (Books)
    • Mr AD Kulkarni, NCL (Books)
    • Dr V Premnath, NCL (Funds, Books)
    • Dr S Sivaram , NCL (Books)
    • Mr Anshuman Lath,Gram Oorja (Magazines)
    • Mr Hasith Seth,Coofluence (Books,Journals)
  • Volunteers/ support with information and time:
    • Dr MG Kulkarni, NCL
    • Ms MP Chirmule, NCL
    • Dr Vinita V Panchanadikar,NCL
    • Ms Mousumi Khan, NCL
    • Mr AD Kulkarni, NCL
  • Indirect support through sponsorship of events etc:
    • British Council
    • Reliance Industries Limited
  • Host institutions:
    • National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
    • Venture Center, Pune